Saturday, 24 December 2011

Decorations are go!



Buddy: tree trimmer extraordinaire! Elf never gets old.

An incredible thing just happened. My Mom and I (two ladies with laughable upper body strength) were at Ikea trying to figure out how we were gonna get our bigass Christmas tree in a taxi and lug it home without getting all scratched up like the year before, when this very tall and pleasant middle-aged man came up to us and started talking about the trees, how to choose em and how he used to do this all the time back in Canada or somewhere. 

So there I was, frantically side-eying her with alarm bells going off in my head; survival instincts telling me to back away, back away! and all the while thinking - weirdo or genuinely chivalrous/friendly/helpful guy?? Now I guess I may sound paranoid but this is Singapore and generally people don't just go up to strangers and start chatting, so it's not what we're used to. We don't often come across this particular breed here (to be honest) and so were naturally wary. At least up til today. So anyway the very genial Mr. Stanley then offered to help us to pick out a good tree, saw the trunk for us, load it in his van and drive us home. Seriously? Nobody has ever offered us a favor like that just out of the kindness of their hearts... with no ulterior motives... unless they're trueblue Christians of course. 

Now visions of serial killers, bloodied axes and getting ground up in a wood-chipper started dancing around in my head and I was like 'Papa God, I don't want to die today... is this dude for real or should we run screaming 'bloody murder!'? Right then Mr Stanley goes, "You guys look like nice Christian folks so I thought I'd help you out,"... and that confirmed it for me.  (before we left on our 'mission-trimpossible', we'd prayed and asked God to give us strength to get the tree home, and of course He had a better plan!) So anyway, we accepted Mr Stanley's gracious offer and lived to tell the tale! 

Turns out he wasn't a serial killer or some shady guy, just an excellent Christian brother who God sent as an angel in our time of need. Talk about a Christmas miracle! Thank you Papa God and thank you Mr Stanley, wherever you are! Ain't God just the coolest ever? Jehovah Ezer in the house!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Christmas time is here again!

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Sneaks up on me every single year! 

Time to break out the only movies worth watching in December aka Elf, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone 1 & 2, Little Women and While You Were Sleeping! The weather has been practically arctic this year (by tropical girl standards). Feeling a definite need to curl up in pajammies with a mug of hot chocolate and get my read on with 'Little House in the Big Woods' and 'The Long Winter'. Hibernation ftw!

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Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

♫ Gungor - Beautiful Things

Love this song! Don't let the band name throw you off. Sounded like some ancient warrior to this particular naif but it's contemporary worship music at its bestest. Easy on the ears and on the soul. Thanks for sharing Sunny!

          "You make beautiful things
           You make beautiful things out of the dust
           You make beautiful things
           You make beautiful things out of us

           You make me new
           You are making me new"

God Is Not A White Man

More Gungor goodness here and here.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

New Paintings!

They're done! Took forever to get the color spectrum just-so but the end result is awesomecakes! Praise God! I work best when His hand is guiding mine! Say hello to Mountain Song & Butterfly #01.

Mountain Song

With Mountain Song I wanted to express a sense of boundless joy and celebration as creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed (Romans 8:19) and sings out in exultant praise to our God and Saviour. The first in my All Creation Sing series. Had a lightbulb moment while reading Isaiah 44:23,

Sing for joy, O heavens,
for the LORD has done this;
shout aloud, O earth beneath.
Burst into song, you mountains,
you forests and all your trees,
for the LORD has redeemed Jacob,
He displays His glory in Israel.

Butterfly Series #01

The butterfly series came about thanks to my nephew Aiden's love for insects and bugs of all kinds. My 'plan' was to steer him away from the scarier bugs to something less creeptastic: butterflies! No dice but the paintings were a hit with kids & adults alike so I thought I'd make more to sell as prints. More to come soon!

Prints are available at my etsy shop:



Finally worked up the intestinal fortitude to get my art up on the big bad interwebs, I'm all aquiver! Look out for artyfacts and updates from my label, Loveday Art and feel free to join me as random inspiring-ness emerges out of the ether. Hurrah! Celebratory dancing is order ~ let's link elbows and off we go!  


 (photo by