Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
squeee *fans self* Please allow for a purely nerdtastic moment. What blazing genius came up with this? The Tauntuan sleeping bag from Thinkgeek.com far and away trumps the Return of the Jedi one I had as a wee lass. Of course Old Faithful will always hold a most treasured place in my heart for sheer volume of awesome childhood sleepover memories but regardez: this bad boy comes all plushed out, complete with entrails lining and lightsaber pull. Truly inspired. Only thing that's missing is the fresh scent of Tauntaun innards to jolt you wide awake in the morning. Perhaps they could add a scratch and sniff feature? Nerdgasms - I am having them. Any self-respecting Star Wars afficionado would jump on this merch train right away.
old faithful |
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